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International Alu Market

    July 15 --Market of Metals in New Delhi, India
  • Source: China Aluminium Network
  • Sort: India Market
  • Time: 2009/7/16

    (New Delhi), July 15, Price of Metals(except specialize, unitrupee/kg)

    Unit: Rupee/kg Open Last Close
    Copper Rod 268 275
    Copper Sheet 266 273
    #1 Scrap Copper 260 260
    Zinc Ingot 90-94 94-96
    Tin Ingot 792 795
    Aluminium Ingot 93 93
    Lead Ingot 98 98
    Nickel Sheet 4 X 24”Inco 900 875
    4 X 4”Inco 895 870
    4 X 4” 770 770
    Remark:Authenticity of this information is not approved, for reference only. Please using it carefully, and hold your own rick.