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China Alu Market

    June 23--LME, Out prcie and B/C oF Metals
  • Source: China Aluminium Network
  • Sort: Changjiang Nonferrous Metals
  • Time: 2008/6/24

    (LME) Metals, 6月23日. 16:30, Out price and B/C:
    Unit: Dollars/ton

    LME-Out Price LME Spot Price/b/c in 3-month
    Copper 8393.0/8400.0 155 b 
    Lead 1856.0/1868.0 -34 c 
    Zinc 1927.0/1935.0 -25 c 
    Aluminium 3132.0/3140.0 -53 c 
    Nickel 21900.0/21950.0 -175 c 
    Tin 23100.0/23390.0 50 b
    c for contango, B for backwardation

    Remark:Authenticity of this information is not approved, for reference only. Please using it carefully, and hold your own rick.